Sunday, February 19, 2012


JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! JOBS! With the economy continuously plummeting down to ground, it is very hard to get a decent profession. Nevertheless, everyone seems to be in search of a job - whether it is a dream job or not - right?. There are those careers that pay much higher and offers more benefits than others, and with that, many have come to a conclusion that the latter one is less significant than the other. But is it true? Is Job 'A' much more important than Job 'B' just because the yearly salary of Job 'A' is greater than Job 'B'? I would like to disagree on such a thought due to the fact that I don not believe that a profession's importance is solely based on how much it money it brings to a person's bank account. One example would be celebrities; they earn millions of dollars from filming movies, endorsements, album sales, or even from a simple publicity stunt. As a matter of fact, most celebrities earn more than politicians - even more than the President of the United States himself. Though we all know, well hopefully most of us do know, that a president's job who is busy trying to run a country is much more important than a celebrity's who is pretty much earning money without doing anything significant that could help develop people's lives other than offer meaningless entertainment to those who choose to pay attention to it. Therefore, I completely disagree that a profession can be defined by how much money it earns.

Although, I do somewhat agree that some jobs holds more purpose and importance in society than other jobs. If you were to compare a doctor with someone who works as a cashier at a retail store, which would you choose to have a more important job? Would you choose the job that checks out your purchases or the one that is constantly saving people's lives? No doubt, more people would choose the doctor. Back to my analogy between the president of a country and a celebrity, both are profession and it is a way of living. However, both holds different purposes in society as well as different importance. But I would say that a president is a much more more valuable career if compared to a celebrity’s.

However, despite the fact that some professions are more important than others, I still don't believe that one is better than the other. Sure, I may be contradicting myself here, but it is really hard to say that one specific job is much more important than the other because a I personally think that a job's significance should not depend on which one is better or which one holds more significance in society because in reality, the careers that we choose to take brings some kind of an impact in the world even in the smallest possible way. It' is just a matter of whether a person loves what they are doing.

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