Sunday, January 15, 2012

Blog 16: Keeping Nature Balanced

What does "Keeping nature balanced" exactly mean? In my opinion, the balance of nature is a relationship between organisms --- plants, animals, humans, and other living organisms to be able to co-exist with one another. That is just the natural community our planet provides. These are kept in balanced by all the interactions made by the organisms in specific areas and also their interactions with the non-living factors that surround them. There are many factors that keeps and affects the balance of nature such as population growth of one species. Predators are present for a reason; if a certain specie or, rather prey, happens to grow rapidly without the presence of predators, the flow of the food chain would be affected. In addition, another factor would be keeping stress out between organisms. Animal tend to be very aggressive and fight with each other due to environments being overly crowded. So it is quite important that the flow of the food chain and the population of species not be disturbed in order to keep nature in balance. Other factors that might affect the balance of nature are changes that are deemed to be unnatural especially when humans interrupts the flow of nature.

I would say that the natural world is strutting the borderline in terms of being balanced. If you were to compare the world centuries ago and now, there has been obvious changes that has occurred and the natural world has become less and less balanced. Many living organisms have now become extinct and are on the brink of extinction. The natural environment as well as habitats are being destroyed every single day by the ongoing advancements we, humans, make. We are obliterating forests, in which are home to thousands of species, for industrialization and emerging developments. Moreover, global warming is another factor that interrupts the balance of nature and one of the causes to global warming is pollution that are caused by humans. It will only be a matter of time before all these nature that we take for granted will be gone. Doomsday may very well be near if such disruptions are made in the balance of nature.

However, humans are not always at fault when it comes to nature's balance. As a matter of fact, we are part of that balance. What are we anyway? Are we not part of the world? Are we not also living organisms? We are indeed part of nature's balance and just as much as we tend to take something out of nature's balance, we also give something back. We are at the top of the food chain, therefore we are responsible to keeping order in nature. We are the ones who track and repair what is off balanced in nature. That, in my opinion, is our purpose in nature. That is what we contribute to nature's balance. Although, we are not always in control. There will be factors in nature that we will not be able to control and thus, we will just have to learn to accept it and adapt to it. Sometime, it is better to just leave it to mother nature.

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